T-Shirt Refashion

I had a few shirts that I barely wore, and decided to refashion them. Well here’s one that I did.
It didn’t come out exactly how I wanted, which was expected since this was my first time, but it was pretty darn close! (Ps I forgot to take pictures of a few steps along the way so you’ll have to try to follow my written directions as best as you can, sorry)

Step 1:
Cut the sleeves how you want them. I wanted mine to be a tank top, so I cut along the arm seam to take off the whole arm. (I ended up cutting more off later)

Step 2:
Now here are the steps I forgot to take pictures for. By the way you only want to do these steps if the shirt is too loose, if it fits right, then skip to step 7. Cut two long, thin strips from the sleeves, or even from a different shirt, stretch them out and put them too the side.

Step 3:
Cut from the arm hole all the way down the sides of the shirt so that the only part attaching the pieces together is at the shoulder.

Step 4:
Measure and mark one inch intervals, making the first one where you want your armhole to end, and the last one where you want your fringe to start. Do this one both sides.

Step 5:
Make a hole at each one inch interval, so it is a little inset. How far in you want to put them depends on how much tighter you want the shirt.

Step 6:
Use your strips of fabric to lace down the sides of your shirt, one on each side. To start, put the string in the first hole and pull it halfway through. Then bring the back string over to the front of the next hole, and down. Bring the front string over the the back and up through the hole. (Both sides if the string go through the same hole) When you get to the end, tie it iff and cut it.

Step 7:
First cut off the hem, and then cut the fringe however long you like. Pull on each one to make it curl up and tie them at the bottom for a clean finish.


I accidentally made mine too tight, but it was my first time, so I expected mistakes. Until you get more practice, don’t refashion any of your special clothes, or something you might cry over if it gets messed up.

That’s all! I know you all have at least one t-shirt that desperately needs refashioning, so get to it! Thanks for reading and make sure to follow my Facebook page to get updates on new posts!